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Jim Branch Trail (Descending)

Summary: Often overlooked in favor of Ridgeline, Jim Branch is a great downhill trail with some really interesting alternate line opportunities and fast, swoopy sections. Be mindful of other users when going down Jim Branch, particularly climbing riders and equestrians.

Difficulty: DuPont Intermediate - I consider descending this trail a bit more on the intermediate side due to the speeds that are possible, but also there are a few small, rollable drops that push it slightly more difficult than it would be climbing it or compared to other options. There are also a few alt lines that can make it more interesting, and the final rock armored section.

Length/Elevation Change: 1 mile, mostly downhill

Notable features: The main set of features to note are a few small root drops scattered in the middle of the trail. If you are used to climbing the trail, most ride around these, but they make for good opportunities to flow a bit more and keep some speed. The main feature of note is the rock armored section near the end, there is a bypass that misses most of it, but you can ride the entirety of it also. It can be a bit slick when wet and there are a few small drops on it, but nothing of major consequence.


Coming soon...


Parking at the Lake Imaging parking lot, I usually do this as an out/back, but you can climb Lake Imaging Rd, go left onto Locust and climb up to Isaac Heath, which dumps you at the top of Jim Branch and makes for a loop opportunity.

Aside from that, the entire trail can also be accessed from Buck Forest Rd.


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